Transitioning Back to School
After two weeks of fun, family, and relaxation, it can be difficult to return to the school day routine. Below are some ideas of how to support your child (and yourself) in the transition back to your school schedule.
Making the Transition Back
Return to normal bedtime a few days before, in small increments.
Get school supplies together to help your child get organized or involve them in activities that help you prepare for their return to school.
Validate their feelings about returning to school with statements that match their feelings. They may be excited, sad, nervous, or a combination of a few feelings! Below are some examples of feeling statements:
You had so much fun, you’re sad to be returning back to school.
You missed your friends, you are so excited to see them again!
You’re feeling nervous about returning to school.
Explain to your child what they can expect and remind them of things they may look forward to.
Plan a fun event to support your child after their first week at school. Depending on your child they may enjoy different activities such as:
Unstructured playtime with caretakers
A playdate or sleepover with a friend or cousin
Going to a park
Watching a movie with the family
Times of transition can be difficult for both the child and caretaker. Remember to take the time to prepare and give yourself some grace as you enter a new year!