Tips For Managing Your Child’s Expectations During Spring Break

More than a year into the pandemic, COVID-19 is still a real concern, especially when it comes to traveling. So, Spring Break may look a little different this year. That can be disappointing not only to adults but to kids, too. Here are a few tips to communicate with your child if your Spring Break is less beach and more backyard.

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Let Them Know That This Spring Break Will Look Different, And Give Them A Plan For What They Can Expect For The Week

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Kids thrive when they know what to expect. They are out of their normal school routine and have a full week of unknown at home. Help your kids to regulate their feelings of being overwhelmed or bored by the unknown by having a loose schedule for the week. Let them know what to expect. For example, on Monday we will be doing arts and crafts, on Tuesday we will have pajama day and build a blanket fort.


Grant In Fantasy What You Can’t Grant In Reality

Even if you are unable to go on a trip for Spring Break, you can grant in fantasy what you can’t grant in reality. What this may look like:

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As a parent, you probably have just as many sad, angry, frustrated feelings about being stuck at home during Spring Break. By granting your child in fantasy what you both wish you could be doing for Spring Break, you engage their imaginations, stay connected with them, and do not fight over why you can’t be on vacation this break. It may even spark a wonderful day of play!

Spend One On One Time With Your Kids

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If possible, take some time during Spring Break to spend some individual time with each of your children. This is a special treat for your kids to have your undivided attention for 30 minutes. Engage in their play, show them that you are excited to spend time with them. Though this may not be the same thrill as Six Flags, you will be surprised how meaningful giving 30 minutes of undivided time to each individual child will be. Let your child know it’s your “special time” together and that they get to choose what the two of you will do together!

Like most things during this global pandemic, Spring Break will probably be a little different. But, it can still be a nice break from routine and an opportunity to make memories as a family. Stay safe, be healthy, and enjoy your downtime.


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