Annie's Place

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How to Avoid an Easter Meltdown

Easter is often the kickoff to Spring and a great celebration for families to see one another. This year may look a little different with smaller gatherings, virtual church, and other changes to family traditions. Here are a few suggestions to keep the season joyful and avoid meltdowns.

Keep One Tradition Alive

Families bond and memories are made over the traditions that kids remember their families holding. Though this year you may be unable to go to in-person church, have the big Easter meal, or traditional Easter egg hunt with all of the cousins, it is important for children and parents alike to keep traditions alive. What is one tradition that you can continue this year with your family? Dying Easter eggs? The Easter bunny leaving floor footprints in the kitchen? Easter baskets? Cascarone fights? Deviled eggs? Whatever your family's tradition maybe that is doable with the current COVID restrictions, keep it alive! Join in the celebration with your children as they make memories of splashing each other with Egg dye, getting crowned champion of the egg smashing competition, covering your hair in Cascarone confetti, or finding the “golden egg” at the Easter egg hunt.

Set Limits on Candy, and Stick to Them

Easter baskets are the joy of many families, but the fight over candy can be the downfall of the season. Set clear limits around candy consumption to reduce sugar crashes, fighting, and grumpy children. For example, if the rules in your house are that each child can have two pieces of candy a day: “I know you would like to have your Easter candy right now, but candy is for having after dinner, you can choose one piece or two pieces for after dinner”. Or if your rules are that your children can have one sweet a day: “You are mad that the candy is on the top shelf, you have already had your sweet for the day, you can choose to have a Peep or a Reese’s tomorrow”. It may take a lot of repetition, but as clear predictable boundaries are set, children will have the opportunity to make choices (i.e. feel a sense of personal responsibility) and as time passes (even if it is the whole Easter season) start to know the expectations of the household (i.e. candy is not for over-indulging on).